Hello, beautiful May!! Can I tell you a secret? I never really was that much of a fan of spring or summer before I moved out here. Fall was always my favorite. Spring was primarily cold and wet where I grew up in northern Illinois. The summers were H-O-T and incredibly humid—like 100% humidity! The kind of heat that says—don’t bother to try to do your hair. Some people love the heat, but it was never my cup of tea. Escaping up north to the Great Lakes region helped, but there was a major mosquito factor to contend with on those getaways. I do love our trips to Lake Michigan and they are a happy memory from our times in the Midwest that I will always treasure.

Let me tell you, I am completely smitten with spring and summer in New England. I never thought I’d be a fan, but the weather here is so lovely this time of year. Yes, it rains—but the landscape is so pretty that you can forgive it. I think our close proximity to the ocean really makes summer a treat. I actually find myself getting excited for the months of June, July, and August! May here is like the promise of the New England summer fun to come.

On the home front, we are going to finish our last month of distance learning strong with high hopes that we’ll be back in the building come fall. I am so proud of our boys and how they’ve adapted to this kind of learning. I have no idea and don’t even bother speculating right now how this will change soccer and basketball season. It’s been a bit of a juggle and new kind of balancing act as Topher and I are both working from home. I am so thankful that we have enough space to spread out and have designated areas for everyone to stay on task.

Today was also the first day I felt a light at the end of the tunnel so to speak with this Corona virus pandemic. The curve is flattening here in Connecticut, and there are talks of phasing into reopening our nonessential businesses at the end of this month. No one is quite sure what exactly that will look like, but it is definitely a welcomed talk.

Wherever you are with this pandemic, I hope you are safe and healthy. There are so many needs right now and we all have a role to play in sustaining our citizens and country during this time. Everyday there is a positive to be a part of and that is soul nourishing indeed.

Now for a some lighthearted, much needed normalcy…

Here’s what is on my radar for May…


The Ocean House in Watch Hill, Rhode Island— Yes, you read that right! Travel. I haven’t had anything travel related in my monthly notes post for a couple of months. Can I tell you how nice it is to type those words even if it is travel that isn’t far from here?! Sharing New England travel is such a part of this space and I am so happy that it will slowly make a reappearance on these pages once again. I opened up my email this morning and was greeted with this happy news that our visit and shoot at the Ocean House is a go at the end of this month! I won’t spoil it with too many details. I am so excited to visit this amazing place! There will be social distancing measures taken, but we’ll have some fun with it all the same. It definitely is nice to look forward to right now.


Spring Style Posts— I have a couple of shoots planned to share some easy breezy spring style looks for a couple of brands this month. I have high hopes that we will all be revisiting society soon in some way. I haven’t stopped dressing nicely for the day with the exception of last Sunday (if you saw my Instagram). I really think it sets the tone for your day. It’s way too easy to stay in workout clothes or pajamas, and I find I am way more on task and productive if I take the few minutes in the morning to look nice. So, I’ll be sharing some casual, every day looks that are polished enough for a jaunt out in public or in the backyard 😉


Mother’s Day— It will be a pretty low key at home kind of Mother’s Day this year because of the COVID-19 stay at home order here in Connecticut. Usually, we day trip somewhere fun, but as long as I have my most precious people by my side it will be a wonderful day.

If you need some Mother’s Day Gift Ideas, I just put together a pretty thorough post with a bunch of great ideas yesterday. Check out my Mother’s Day Gift Guide here.

Memorial Day Weekend— The ‘unofficial” kickoff to summer. School will be wrapping up and the weather will be starting to warm. Our town has cancelled all our Memorial Day festivities, so it will be a little different this year. We are waiting and seeing what happens in the weeks to come. If beaches are open we may venture out to enjoy one, or a day trip to the coast just get out of the house—even if we can’t go into shops or restaurants. We’ve been hankering for a lobster roll on the coast, so if our favorite shack is open for a to-go order that might have to happen. If things are still shutdown, maybe we’ll have our own lobster boil at home. Backyard bashes are always an option.

Camp Foxhill— It’s been fun to venture into posting home posts once again during this pandemic. It’s something I will definitely keep in the rotation. I chose the subcategory “Living” because it’s all encompassing. I can share interiors, recipes, entertaining and more. It fits with my love of the changing seasons too.

May is definitely a breath of fresh air here! It is filled with hope and a light at the end of the tunnel. I hope you are riding out this storm and I pray that there is a positive that comes from all of this. I’ll continue to keep this a bright and cheery corner of the internet, but I’m definitely sensitive to the times and toning down some things I’d normally share. As always, this site is dedicated to my love of New England.

Until next time,


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