2023 Spring & Summer Travel Features

Every year, I look forward to planning our travels and working with our favorite travel partners. Today, I’m sharing our spring and summer line-up for 2023. It’s a season of our personal favorites, and I’m so excited that it’s also going to be a season to unveil our new website in June of this year! We are working with an amazing artist and designer and there will be a whole section dedicated to travel, resources, and guides. I can’t wait to share all that we’ve been working on since the beginning of the year.

Truth be told, once April hits here in New England, I don’t want to leave until after the holidays when it comes to trips. We loved it out here so much that six years ago we relocated to Connecticut from the Midwest and the love affair is still going strong. With the exception of some overseas travel we have on our minds and an early in the year winter escape down south, not much else can lure us away from our New England seasons.

Why Rebranding & a New Website…

Our first few years out here, before I started the Instagram account , we did a lot of exploring and came to find out that there is so much more to see and do in the Northeast than we had originally thought. When I started the IG account, it was not a business for the first 2 1/2 years of its existence and just a spot I posted our New England travel photos. I even would take Jan-March off from posting to it for coaching and sports.

When it started to grow and gain traction, I decided I would start a blog as an extension to the IG account and Kristy & New England was born. I eased into it very cautiously and slowly, so the first year and half was just learning and seeing what I wanted to do with it.

Since I was no stranger to blogging or partnership work from my past job in interiors and blogging, I started to tap into my photography and brand work and the past 2 years have been a joy even with the ups and downs of growing a new business. I get to create for brands and places I love visiting again and again. The best part for me is when someone messages and says that we helped them plan their vacation, or thank you for sharing that bedding or dress or coffee table — even though it’s little things —if you can help someone find what they are looking for, save them time on the hunt, or help them make a design choice— it’s a win. I love those messages!

We’ll be celebrating 3 (official) years of Kristy & New England in June this year and what started as place to share travel photos is now a job I absolutely love. With this rebranding and new website coming this year, there are so many things on the horizon and we have grown and evolved Kristy & New England into a lifestyle blog and account. Still, always highlighting New England and travel, but also a return to home & style content. It’s been quite the ride and I thank you all for your on-going support of the work I do here. The main focuses will be the same, but with more resources. I can’t wait to share this with you!

2023 Spring & Summer Travels

So, when thinking on our spring and summer trips this year and partnerships, I wanted to showcase our personal favorites and some really amazing properties to reserve for your travels.

Here’s our 2023 Spring & Summer line-up so you can see the places we are sharing and follow along for your future New England trip planning:

Kennebunkport, Maine

Martha’s Vineyard

Newport, RI


Lake Champlain

A couple of these have become our summer vacation spots every year, so Nantucket & Lake Champlain are always on our summer travel list, but this is definitely a favorites list and Kennebunkport, Martha’s Vineyard, and Newport are all places that have become so special to us. Newport is Topher’s favorite. We actually go here again in September for our Anniversary too.

Here’s to meaningful travels and beautiful wanderings…

xx Kristy

Follow Kristy on Instagram








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