April is another stay at home month for us here in Connecticut. Hopefully, we can slow the spread of this virus and we’ve all been affected in one way or another. We are praying often and know that God is in control when the world seems so out of control.

It hit home the other day when someone I know tested positive for the virus. That definitely makes this all real. I’m choosing to keep it bright and happy on the home front. I don’t want my kids to worry incessantly.

I am choosing to focus on the good and I am in awe of how inventive and selfless the individuals of our great country have been through this crisis. The healthcare workers who are risking their health daily to save others and working long tiresome hours. The scientists and engineers who are quickly coming up with ways to help test and treat the sick. The factories that are manufacturing masks and respirators. The U.S.N.S. Comfort quickly equipped and ready to dock and serve in NYC. The victories with treatments that are attainable. There is so much good to see and so many more stories and acts of service that I could go on about.

We must stay vigilant and do our part.

This family time at home has been good for so many though. I love the closeness and connectedness we are embracing with our new normals. I am not sad at all about slowing down a bit. I do wonder whether or not we will be going on those vacations we booked a few months ago…I guess we have a couple of months before we have to cancel them. It’s such a small worry compared to others. If worse comes to worse, we’ll just have to roll with it and maybe we can bring vacation to our families instead. I could do a lobster boil in the backyard. A spa day in my bathroom. A restaurant experience at home. I have a feeling our homes and yards will become our sanctuaries during this time.

In an effort to keep it light and bright,

Here’s what is on my radar this month…


Spring Bedroom Refresh I am partnering up with one of my favorite bedding companies to give our master a coastal bedroom refresh. I have not done a single thing to this room since we bought Camp Foxhill 3 years ago, so I am looking forward to freshening it up a bit.

Setting the Table | Easter Edition This is a new feature that I will put together for you every holiday or special event. I am a collector of china and linens and I love to plan an occasion. I believe in beautiful tables and dressing up for holidays. My boys love our “fancy” tables here and I know they appreciate those special touches. I just worked on our Easter table and pulled out the blue and white china.

Click here to see Setting the Table | Easter Edition

*I have some other things up my sleeve on the home front and I will be sharing them this month.


Duffield Lane I love this brand’s coastal inspired apparel and have a few spring pieces to share with you this month.

You can see my favorite new seersucker dress here.

Jude Connally This brand is new to me and I fell in love with the prints and fabric. I’ll be sharing with you soon.

Barrington Gifts You know I’m a fan of these bags! I’m sharing a new fun print for spring and summer.


Sara Fitz Needlepoint I adore needlepoint and Sara’s canvases and kits are just as darling as you thought they would be!

Check out Sara Fitz Needlepoint here

That’s all for now. Wishing you all safety and health as we enter this new month!

Until next time,


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