At Home During COVID-19

As we all do our part to lessen the spread of COVID-19, I wanted to let you know what we will be doing with the blog and our Instagram during this time.

I have everyone home right now, which I do love. We’re focusing on simple pleasures and enjoying our family. We are trying not to leave the house except for being outside for exercise. The boys are keeping up their studies with their teachers’ help with Google classrooms and webinars. Topher is able to work from his home office. I am helping the boys with school work and planning on keeping things afloat here at Kristy & New England.


I want to keep this place a bright and uplifting respite from our 24 hour Coronavirus news cycle. I’ve had to cancel some upcoming travels and a few partnerships are slowed up because of the state of our world, but I want to keep blogging and sharing with you on Instagram.

I’ll be focusing on home content for the next couple of weeks. I guess I introduced Camp Foxhill at the right time! I’ll also be going into things I’ve archived and I’ll keep sharing my favorite New England places and style posts for you. It is inspiring me to be creative in a new way and that is not a bad thing.

Also, I’m taking this time to get a few things done around the house. We’re all trying to maintain some normalcy as we adjust to our work at home life. We are dressing up like we would if leaving the house, keeping work and school schedules, and exercising from home. It’s been quite manageable so far and I am so thankful for that.


Luckily, technology keeps us connected and we have a lot of resources at our fingertips if we need something delivered to the house. I love seeing everyone come together and share food and yes—even toilet paper!! A lot of my favorite brands are donating proceeds to helpful charities during this time and these acts are a nice contrast to the hoarders and scammers taking advantage of this crisis.

So, you can expect light and bright posts focusing on New England, home, and style to continue. I’m putting travel posts on hold until we are past this, so I will be putting together more home posts in their absence.

We are praying for those who are negatively affected and hope that this will all be in the past soon.

Until next time,


Follow Kristy on Instagram








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