Finding Comfort at Home with Chappy Wrap

Shelter in place. Stay at home. Work from home. School from home. There’s a lot going on in the world right now and it is changing by the hour. I’ve really leaned into social media, FaceTime, Google Chats, and long phone calls to feel more connected with my friends and family I can’t go see right now.

Luckily, I have my family surrounding me everyday, so I am not totally isolated. It does make for an interesting work and school week though. Our new normal means our dining room is my youngest son’s school room, my teenager is using his bedroom as his classroom, Topher has taken over the office, and I am floating between all our common spaces on the first floor.

When I need quiet or have to take a call, I have been working in my bedroom. It’s bright and soothing and I only get interrupted about 5 times instead of 20 times.

Here enters everyone’s favorite cuddle blanket from Chappy Wrap. I kid you not, we use this blanket daily and it is soooo soft and comforting. We have a few Chappy Wraps in different rooms around our house and I love having one on my bed when I work in there.

I’ll share links for you and at the end of this post, details on a giveaway you can participate in on Instagram…

This is how I try to have a quiet place to work…

I grab my favorite Chappy Wrap and head to my soothing bedroom.



Chappy Wrap Harborview Herringbone Blanket in Beige

Then, they start to find me…

One found me. I don’t mind though, because I welcome cuddle breaks.

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This is the part I don’t care for…

He steals my Chappy Wrap! Thief!!

It’s okay though, I have a back-up…


Chappy Wrap Highlander Classic Blanket

Now, a fun Chappy Wrap Instagram giveaway!

Over the next few weeks, our friends at Chappy Wrap are giving away a blanket a week on Instagram! All you have to do is take a photo with your Chappy and use the hashtag #chappytrapped to be entered to win.

Our whole family loves these blankets! So soft and sized so you can cocoon and not have your feet hanging out at the end. I love their patterns too! You can visit Chappy Wrap to see their collections.

I don’t know about you, but more cuddles are definitely in order lately.

Until next time,


Follow Kristy on Instagram








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