This month, the theme of love is everywhere you turn with Valentine’s Day quickly approaching and the cold winter nights that beckon us to snuggle by the fire. My love for my family and community has been shown lately coaching, watching, and traveling to every basketball court in New England! I kid, but it is not far from the truth. My time has been dominated by basketball and it hasn’t left room for much else. I have loved every moment of it, and it’s been a great joy to see our young people grow and achieve. That will never get old.

With that said, I am happy to report that the seasons of change will bring me back to exploring and capturing New England once again. In just a few days, my schedule will free up a bit and I can return to working on this travel and lifestyle space.

One of my 2020 goals is to work on my photography more this year. Ideally, I would like to get out there every week and spend a day shooting and exploring somewhere new. I have my first locale selected and big surprise—it’s a coastal one! Coastal New England is where I find myself wanting to be most of all. I have had the travel bug BIG TIME since January hit, and I finally have some time now to get back at it. It’s been hard to turn down partnerships with places I love, but it wasn’t good timing during basketball season. I remind myself that good things will come again and as my 2020 work calendar starts to get some exciting partnerships on it, I am thankful for these opportunities to grow creatively.

Here’s what is on my radar this month…


Noank, Connecticut— We end up here in the summer quite a bit to grab a lobster roll or get on the water. I do treasure a coastal village in the off season and I’ll be dropping by this month to capture Noank’s quaint beauty and visit a few establishments I haven’t been to before. The eastern coast of Connecticut has so many gems—each with their own unique vibe. Stay tuned for a post on my day’s adventures and some shares on Instagram, of course.


Rain Gear—This winter season, Connecticut has had more rain days than snow days! It seems appropriate to share some new rain gear to keep us dry and ready us for another New England spring. I’ll be sharing some new pieces from a brand I love along with some tried and true staple pieces.

Cheers to days of exploring New England once again!

Until next time,


Follow Kristy on Instagram








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