Memorial Day in Essex, CT

A kickoff to Memorial Day Weekend in one of our favorite Connecticut towns…

Essex, Connecticut




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We spent the first day of our long weekend welcoming summer in Essex. We ate outside on the patio at The Griswold Inn. It was so nice to enjoy a meal al fresco and The Gris has done a fabulous job making everyone comfortable and safe with this phase of reopening.

After lunch, we strolled down by the water to spy the boats. The boys love this as much as we do. It was a reminder of fun times ahead seeing people sunning on the docks, fishing, and on their boats. It almost felt normal except for the fact that we made sure to social distance and wear our masks inside establishments.

Everything is decked out in flags and buntings. It’s such a festive place in the summer. Strolling Main Street is always a treat. I enjoy seeing all the homes and then, without fail, cue Topher and I talking about moving here once the boys are through school. It happens every single time! I feel us getting more and more serious about it as the conversations continue.

We ended our time here doing a little shopping. Some boutiques and shops have opened up with safety guidelines. We had to pop into a couple of our favorites that had their doors open like J. Alden and The Gris Goods Gift Shop. I’m hoping to see more open as the weeks go on and hopefully we’ll be visiting again on a longer term basis when The Griswold is able to welcome guests to stay once again.

All and all it was an incredible day. The weather was lovely and getting to talk with everyone around town was a pleasure. We have missed our visits here and I’m so impressed with how the whole town is keeping people safe yet still feels welcoming at the same time.

I finally got to wear one of my favorite summer dresses once again. It’s linen weather for sure—and if the linen doesn’t get wrinkled then you didn’t have enough fun! The Sail to Sable dress I’m wearing is on a HUGE SALE right now at Shop Navy Bleu. You can snag quite a bargain!

It’s that summer feeling time of year! I hope you all got to get outside and enjoy it in some capacity. I’ll share more from our Memorial Day Weekend soon.

Until next time,


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