Lobster Beach Day in Clinton, CT

How was everyone’s Memorial Day Weekend? All things considered, we enjoyed our long weekend with our boys. Topher and I really wanted to try to make it fun for them and we found a few things to do safely outside our home.

On Sunday, the weather was perfect, so we went to a little beach we knew wouldn’t be crowded. Only a handful of families were there and everyone was responsible and socially distanced. It has all these little pockets of beach and in some parts you can have it all to yourself. It was just the little outing we all needed. After enjoying the sun, collecting shells, and our youngest bringing us every crab he found in the water, we headed to our favorite lobster shack and picked up our to-go order. I can now say after a day at the beach and a lobster roll, it definitely feels like summer!

I’m really protective over my family and my boys, so I am trying not to blast their faces all over the internet. Sometimes I share them, but not all the time publicly. I did get some amazing photos of my kids, but I’ll save those for our family albums ;).

Topher shot a few images of me while we were beach bums. I was super excited our Land’s End order came in just in time for beach fun. It wasn’t warm enough for a swimsuit, so I opted for a tank, shorts, and a sweater jacket. That lobster sweater jacket from J. Crew is my new favorite apparel item. It’s made well and will be perfect for our Maine vacation in July I suspect. I’ll link to everything at the end of the post for you.

Here’s a few images from our chill beach day…






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Those Land’s End chino shorts are so cute. I love that they are higher waisted but comfortable. I’m going to order a couple more pairs in different colors now that I know I really like the fit. They also offer them in a curvy cut if you need a little more room in the hips and seat. If that J. Crew Lobster Sweater is sold out again, I’d check back everyday if you really want it. It should restock for summer.

We are going to spend the rest of the holiday at home enjoying the yard and then I have to pack up for a project tomorrow. Can’t wait to share it—it’s going to be a fun one!

Until next time,


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